Ph0tons sec blog…

  • Why the .zip tld is bad…

    Why the .zip tld is bad…

    In light of the recent news that Google has made the .zip top-level domain (TLD) available for sale, it has become even more crucial to discuss the potential security implications associated with this development. In today’s interconnected world, where cyber threats continue to evolve, phishing remains a significant concern. Phishing attacks exploit human vulnerabilities to…

  • Dumping LSASS in 2023

    Dumping LSASS in 2023

    Picture this: You’re hosting a cybersecurity party, guarding your sensitive information like a bouncer at an exclusive club. But lurking in the shadows is a sneaky party crasher named LSASS dumping. In this blog post, we’ll expose this uninvited guest, explore their shenanigans, and equip you with witty cybersecurity practices to kick them out of…

  • Python as a undetected delivery vector. Using Python Embedded Package and Signed Executables?

    Python as a undetected delivery vector. Using Python Embedded Package and Signed Executables?

    We have a fascinating topic to discuss: operating in the A/V (Antivirus) EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) blindspot using Embedded Python as an example. In this post, we’ll delve into what this concept means, why it’s important, and how Python can be utilized by redteamers to bypass security measures. Understanding the A/V EDR Blindspot To…

  • Who’s Ph0tonz?

    Who’s Ph0tonz?

    Hailing from the North West of England, I am a father of two with a longstanding passion for computers, networking, and IT. Ever since I got my hands on my first computer in the mid-90s, I have been captivated by the inner workings of connected devices and the challenges involved in creating and securing them.…